Week 11
On Tuesday and Thursday of last week we watched a portion of a documentary called Unnatural Causes. The segment we watched was called "In Sickness and in Wealth", and it talked about how socioeconomic inequalities affect health. Unfortunately, it seems that wealth equals health in our country. The film followed citizens in the varying districts of Louisville, Kentucky in order to expose the huge health disparities present in our nation. I was aware of this issue before watching the documentary, but it was really effective to see the information presented with graphs and concrete data.
A new fact I learned was that America has the steepest wealth-health gradient of all the developed nations. In Kentucky alone, a NINE YEAR difference in life expectancy exists between the wealthiest and poorest districts! This is definitely an issue health educators need to be aware of and take into consideration when planning health interventions. We had a good discussion in class about how we need to be aware of the social issues and constraints that effect health in order to be effective health educators. I really enjoyed watching this documentary and would like to see the other portions of it. It made me realize the resources I take for granted every day, such as having safe places to exercise outside!
We had no new blog posts due this week, only comments on group members' work. Although blogging has become much easier and is now just a regular part of life, it was nice to have a little break!
Week 12
The next portion of our Advocacy Project was due on Tuesday, and I thought it was an informative assignment because I don't know very much about bills and the legislative process. We did get to watch the Schoolhouse Rock video "I'm Just a Bill" in class so that pretty much made my day! (I LOVE Schoolhouse Rock.) I know I said earlier that blogging has become really easy, but I did run into some problems with the advocacy post refusing to actually post. It was quite frustrating, but everything worked out in the end.
In class we talked about the importance of understanding the issue when advocating for a cause. This is necessary in order to intelligently support the position. Also, Dr. V. said that the president of AAHPERD liked our photo essays - that was neat to hear!
For Thursday we read an article from our book titled "News on the Environment Isn't Always Bad." It discussed how the ozone layer is closing, but that good news often doesn't seem to make it into the news! That's unfortunate, because I think it is encouraging for people to see that our efforts to help the environment really are making a positive difference.
In class on Thursday, we discussed neat ways to reuse or "re-purpose" antiques or unwanted items. My mom is very creative and into that sort of thing so I immediately thought of her when I learned Sue Whitney, author and owner of JunkMarket is coming to speak to our class. :) We also talked about upcoming assignments and what we will be doing for the remainder of the semester. I can't believe we only have 3 (or 4, I guess) weeks of class left! Where has the time gone?
Have a great weekend everyone!
(Photo taken by me near Lake Manuella, MN.)